1. In a recent 2012 environmental index, Turkey ranked lower than 92 percent of the countries involved. The Environmental Performance Index is a method of quantifying and numerically benchmarking the environmental performance of a country’s policies. The article stated that Turkey has a "rich natural environment" but unfortunately that environment is "being destroyed."
2. This issue will prove to be not only an environmental concern but also a long term economic concern if Turkey's poor environmental standards are not addressed. An effective environmental policy is beneficial to an economy in the long run because protection of the environment leads to better long lasting resources. Although aversion of environmental policies can lead to short run benefits because of more possible production, in the long run degraded natural resources will hurt the economy.
3. I would suggest that Turkey improve their environmental policies as soon as practicably possible because of the long run benefits. I would also suggest investing in technology that will increase the efficiency of natural resource use. Policies that encourage efficient and clean use of resources will protect Turkey's resources while also promoting economic growth.
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